a little brown dog lives here. he barked at me a bit and ruined most of my shots. damn you little brown dog. damn you.
Tag Archives: jamie-lee meintjes
Stranger things have happened
Lara and I have spent some of this evening debating my last blogpost and the implications or consequences thereof. I hope nobody reads ill from it… or gets ill from it. Here’s a dinosaur.
Chuck & Nathan
When we finally did get out to Salvation Mountain, we learn’t that it was the evening of the Annual Slab City Prom. After all our efforts, in vain, to get there the day before… We would have completely missed out on this amazing opportunity. Some days it’s way easier to believe in a guiding forceContinue reading “Chuck & Nathan”
Salvation Mountain is one of the most amazing places I have ever seen. It stands as tribute to Leonard Knight’s love. It stands as testament to his endurance. After more than 25 years at it, I think we can say that Leonard is one determined fellow. And a pretty nice guy… very quick to offerContinue reading “Salvation”